PythonCrank1 - Calculation of temperature change in a wall
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# Calculation of Dynamic Heat Flow
# Example 1 in Bagda, Dlabal, Öztürk
# Calculation of temperature change in a wall of cellular concrete
# at 20 °C, if one side is cooled down to 0 °C.
# System design by Engin Bagda, Python programming by Erkam Talha Öztürk
# Version 2020_07_03
import numpy as arr # to set up arrays
# Crank Nicolson function
def CrankNicolson():
e[0] = 0
f[0] = Temp[0]
for i in range(1, n - 1, 1): # n-1 because string has to run until i=19
r = Lambda[i] * dTime / (Wkap[i] * Rho[i] * x[i] * x[i])
K1 = Lambda[i - 1] * x[i] / (Lambda[i] * x[i - 1])
K2 = Lambda[i] * x[i + 1] / (Lambda[i + 1] * x[i])
a = r
b = 2 + (2 * r)
c = r
d = (a * Temp[i - 1]) + (2 - (2 * r)) * Temp[i] + (c * Temp[i + 1])
e[i] = c / (b - (a * e[i - 1]))
f[i] = (d + a * f[i - 1]) / (b - a * e[i - 1])
# Thomas algorithm
def ThomasAlgorithm():
for i in range(n - 2, 0, -1): # n-1 because string has to start i=18
Temp[i] = (e[i] * Temp[i + 1]) + f[i]
# Definitions
global e, f, r, K1, K2, a, b, c, d # in Ctank Nicolsen function
global dTemp # in Thomas algorithm
global n, x, Temp, Lambda, Rho, Wkap, dTime # in main run
n = 20 # index for layers from i=0 to i=20
x = arr.empty(n)
e = arr.empty(n)
f = arr.empty(n)
Temp = arr.empty(n)
Lambda = arr.empty(n)
Rho = arr.empty(n)
Wkap = arr.empty(n)
# Setup of conditions and material properties
dTime = 60.00 # s, duration of the time steps
for i in range(0, n, 1): # string stops at i=n-1
x[i] = 0.010 # thickness of each element
Lambda[i] = 0.160 # thermal conductivity (W/m/K)
Rho[i] = 550 # density (kg/m3)
Wkap[i] = 1000 # heat capacity (oule/m3)
Temp[i] = 20 # °C, primary definition
# Main run
for Time in range(0, 1440, 1): # ammount of time steps 24 hours x 60 minutes
Temp[n - 1] = (
0 # °C new temperature after 1 minute (boundary condition in elemnt i=n-1
"%4.0f, %6.1f, %8.1f, %8.1f, %8.1f, %8.1f, %8.1f, %8.1f, %6.1f "
% (
Temp[n - 4],
Temp[n - 3],
Temp[n - 2],
Temp[n - 1],
# End of run
PythonCrank2 - Calculation of temperature change and dynamic Heat Flow in a wall
download PythonCrank2 #
# Calculation of Dynamic Heat Flow
# Example 2 in Bagda, Dlabal, Öztürk
# Calculation of temperature change and dynamic heat flow in a wall of cellular concrete
# and expanded polystyrene at 20 °C, if one side is cooled down to 0 °C.
# System design by Engin Bagda, Python programming by Erkam Talha Öztürk
# Version 2020_07_03
import numpy as arr # to set up arrays
# Crank Nicolson function
def CrankNicolson():
e[0] = 0
f[0] = Temp[0]
for i in range(1, n - 1, 1): # n-1 because string has to run until i=24
r = Lambda[i] * dTime / (Wkap[i] * Rho[i] * x[i] * x[i])
K1 = Lambda[i - 1] * x[i] / (Lambda[i] * x[i - 1])
K2 = Lambda[i] * x[i + 1] / (Lambda[i + 1] * x[i])
g1 = r * (1 - K1) / (1 + K1)
g2 = r * (1 - K2) / (1 + K2)
a = r - g1
b = 2 + (2 * r) - g1 + g2
c = r + g2
d = (a * Temp[i - 1]) + (2 - (2 * r) + g1 - g2) * Temp[i] + (c * Temp[i + 1])
e[i] = c / (b - (a * e[i - 1]))
f[i] = (d + a * f[i - 1]) / (b - a * e[i - 1])
# Thomas algorithm
def ThomasAlgorithm():
for i in range(n - 2, 0, -1): # n-1 because string has to start i=23
Temp[i] = (e[i] * Temp[i + 1]) + f[i]
# Calculation Heat Flow
def HeatFlowF():
for i in range(0, n - 1, 1):
dTemp = float(Temp[i] - Temp[i + 1])
HF_1 = float(x[i] / (2 * Lambda[i]))
HF_2 = float(x[i + 1] / (2 * Lambda[i + 1]))
HeatFlow[i] = float(dTemp / (HF_1 + HF_2))
# Definitions
global e, f, r, K1, K2, g1, g2, a, b, c, d # in Crank Nicolson function
global dTemp, HF_1, HF_2, HeatFlow # in Thomas algorithm
global n, n1, n2, dTime, Temp, Lambda, Rho, Wkap # in main run
n1 = 20 # layers for cellular concrete
n2 = 5 # layers for expanded polystyrene
n = n1 + n2 # index for layers from i=0 to i=n1+n2-1
x = arr.empty(n)
e = arr.empty(n)
f = arr.empty(n)
Temp = arr.empty(n)
Lambda = arr.empty(n)
Rho = arr.empty(n)
Wkap = arr.empty(n)
HeatFlow = arr.empty(n)
# Set up of conditions and material properties
dTime = 60.00 # duration of the steps (s)
# Cellular concrete
for i in range(0, n1, 1): # n, because string stops at i=n1-1
x[i] = 0.010 # thickness of each element
Lambda[i] = 0.160 # thermal conductivity (W/m/K)
Rho[i] = 550 # density (kg/m3)
Wkap[i] = 1000 # heat capacity (Joule/m3)
Temp[i] = 20 # °C, primary definition
# Expanded polystyrene
for i in range(n1, n, 1): # n, because string stops at i = n1+n2-1
x[i] = 0.010 # thickness of each element
Lambda[i] = 0.035 # thermal canductivity (W/m/K)
Rho[i] = 15 # density (kg/m3)
Wkap[i] = 1400 # heat capacity (Joule/m3)
Temp[i] = 20 # °C, primary definition
# Main run
for Time in range(0, 5400, 1): # amount of time steps: 90 hours x 60 Minutes
Temp[n - 1] = 0 # °C new temperature after 1 Minute
"%4.0f, %8.1f, %8.1f, %8.1f, %8.1f, %8.1f, %6.1f "
% (Time, Temp[0], Temp[1], Temp[2], Temp[n - 3], Temp[n - 2], Temp[n - 1])
"%4.0f, %8.2f, %8.2f, %8.2f, %8.2f, %8.2f, %6.1f "
% (
HeatFlow[n - 4],
HeatFlow[n - 3],
HeatFlow[n - 2],
# End of run